
martes, 6 de enero de 2015

We are a team

We are a team, we are a family,  we are tributes and we are proud of that because we are together, in every moment, we support us, we believe in us and this is our world, our incredible world.

We feel what the feel, we feel their pain, we feel their sadness, we feel their happiness, we feel their fear, we feel their emotions and we are still with them because tru love is forever

And we feel every word that they say: stay alive, may the odds be ever in your favor, remember who the real enemy is, my nightmares are usually about losing you, hope is the only thing stronger than fear. We know what they think, we are with them even in the darkest times, we know who they really are

And nothing can change what we feel about them, they are more than characters, they are part of us

Because Peeta taught us how to love, Prim taught us how to have hope, Haymitch taught us how to be strong, Katniss taught us how to fight, Effie taught us about making the best of a bad situation and Cinna taught us how to make sacrifices  

2 comentarios:

  1. hola! cómo estás? Gracias por compartir tu blog en mi comunidad! Tu blog me parece muy interesante y estoy emocionado de ver a su próximo post!
    Abrazos y galletas virtuales,
    Katniss Stone

    1. Muchas gracias de verdad, tus palabras significan mucho para mi y tu comunidad ha sido de gran ayuda para que mi blog crezca cada dia mas, hoy publicare un nueva entrada, estoy trabajando en ella, de nuevo mil gracias
